Written by Captain Mary on Sunday, January 02, 2011
The holidays now behind us, with wonderful days of family and friends. Oh, how I wish it would last forever. So many cheerful happy people, well I am going to make that effort to keep the seasons jolly. We just don't smile enough.
My Christmas was delayed just a day or so, but it was well worth it. The most fun of the holiday was working with my grandchildren, while they created gifts for their parents. I know that this was a gift from the heart. Any parent who gets a homemade gift appreciates it. It really is the thought that counts! I was gifted by having the best kids in the world. No matter how many miles separate us, I always get a message from them that they are thinking about me.
I was busy for New Years with a great New Year's Eve party at the Sons and Daughters of Italy, we danced and had so much fun. Being separated only by miles, I spent time with my sister and her husband, both Christmas and New Years. I wish that we could all be together, but somehow I know that I am in their thoughts and them in mine.
My message and New Years resolution is to stay in touch with family and friends, just like it was the holidays everyday. This will certainly take some work, but well worth anything so important.
New Years Day was a great party too. My friend had his 70th birthday, what a bash. A beginning with a classic car cruise, through Coconut Grove and a party that had everything you could dream of. Even had some party crashers. I am so gifted to be able to share with my friends these special moments.
I wish for everyone to get things back to family and return the love that is special in hug or a kiss.
To a great 2011, it is up to all of us to put a smile on our faces and forget about the stupid little things that really have no meaning in the big scene. Love to all.