Written by Captain Mary on Tuesday, November 04, 2008

So clear in my brain the embarrassment of the Florida Elections commission. I remember as if it were yesterday, how we held up the presidential race, because we can't count. It was not only an embarrassment to the State, but the Nation. But, wait it traveled even further.
I was traveling in a 3rd world country and made the mistake of wearing a sweat shirt, that said: Miami on it. All I know was, that it was cold and I just threw the thing on to stay warm. Not really paying attention to what was written on the front of this big green sweatshirt. I found myself in a village market, people were pointing and staring at me. I didn't think much about it, at first, but then people began to laugh. Surprised by this I went over to see what was so funny, so I too could enjoy the laughter.
A child no more than eight years old, in a third world country, points to my shirt and says, "Corrupt Elections", I was shocked to hear these words come from such a place. I imagine the education in other countries is far better than ours. I couldn't possibly get upset, I began to enjoy the laughter, even though the joke was on me. Perhaps, this country is just a joke to the rest of the world.

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