Written by Captain Mary on Thursday, February 24, 2011I finally got some replies to my letter to Waste Management, the governor of the state, Rick Scott, and the Mayor of my little town, which I didn't even write to, but the Governor forwarded it my local representative. With all this correspondence I still didn't get a letter from Waste Management, figures doesn't it!
I thought I would share with you the letter that my local Mayor sent, which makes me believe there is some hope in government, not much, but some. I am going to re-send my letter to Waste Management, over and over until I get a reply. I can't be ignored forever. If there is something in your government you don't like, write, write and re-write the officials. Never give up, and pursue them until you get a reply. We are the people of this Nation, lets start acting like it. Below is the letter I received from my local Mayor.
Dear Mary,
I have been forwarded your email and although there is not much the Mayor from Cutler Bay can do about a trash dump in Palmetto Bay ( assume it is on SW`184St) and run by the county. But, be sure, we are like minded. I believe that our great Nation is made up of many small governments that will give leadership to our national direction. Small Towns and cities will let larger counties and states know the mood of the people. I believe the mood is: enough! Enough waste, enough spending, enough invasion of our civil liberties.
I can only be the guardian of the small Town of Cutler Bay. I see it as our Nation. That is how we must view the world around us. As they say, one bite at a time.
I thank you for your email. I would recommend you contact the Village manager or mayor of Palmetto Bay and advise them of your concern. As stated, the local trash collection is not in Cutler Bay. Coming from the Village where it is located has greater weight.
As Winston Churchill once coined; "Never, Never, Never, give up".
With Kind Regards,
Edward P. MacDougall
Town of Cutler Bay Town Hall
10720 Caribbean Blvd., Suite 105
Cutler Bay, Florida 33189
Written by Captain Mary on Wednesday, February 23, 2011First if you have children, that is without a doubt the most important, children under your care, dependent on your guidance to teach them how to be adults. If what they witness isn't good, how would they know that this is not normal.
Last priority, is all that stuff you collected, nothing that can be replaced with money, should never trump the other 3 priorities.
Of all the couples that I have observed, they all have children, not all are biological, but it doesn't seem to make a damn bit of difference.
The main thing is all couples have a sense of calm. I have known them all for over 10 years, and I must admit, only when I achieved that peace in myself did I have a relationship like that.
There are no secrets, there is no cheating, and no jealously, there is enormous amount of respect for each other.
Each person has their own hobbies and friends, which they spend time with. It seems to me that they don't live separate lives, but they have separate interests. By having time doing what they love they are happy and not sacrificing anything that has to do with who they are. Priority 2. Time with friends is not over the top, so don't think that I am saying it's o.k. to do it all the time. No more than once a week seems to do the trick. Most important is the other partner not think it is time away from them. It is a ridiculous premise, and it shows insecurity and jealously. The partner should be happy that your life is not dependant on them, you should always be able to look in the mirror and recognize who is staring back at you.
As your reading you are probably thinking so when are these people a couple!
I also observed that all of these couples belong to a social group of some kind, perhaps a church group, a karate group, yaucht club, car club, whatever. A place to have fun in a social setting. So, when are these people a couple? That brings me to date night, a must for each of these couples, a time away from the kids, maybe just send the kids to the sitter and stay home and watch a movie. Date night doesn't have to be fancy, it just has to be. Sounds like these are busy people, the answer to that is, isn't everybody?
Time together is valued by each and everyone of these couples, along with family time. There is no raising of voices, no tears, in front of the kids. Your kids should think you guys are the perfect couple, and that people can get along is a peaceful manner, which makes them peaceful children.
Now that brings me to hurt feelings, even in ideal couples it happens. I have watched and noticed that these couples don't ever, ever hurt each others feelings on purpose or out of anger. There are no personal attacks, or one saying they do more than the other to make the relationship work. Because their relationship does work. I am certain it took time to come to this point, or perhaps they have always been considerate of each other.
Arguments, well, these couples do argue, maybe I can't even use this word, I will correct that by using the word disagree. This is where calm comminication comes, but it doesn't get into any extensive conversation, because these couples know each other and can anticipate each others reactions. So they never provoke each other into ridiculous fits of yelling and personal attacks.
Money, the root of all evil, or is it. It always seems that things work themselves out, When both partner are completely involved in what comes in and out of the house, then both ask each other about purchases or anything above normal expenses. It is always a joint venture, this way when things get tough they work as a team to cut the budjet where it is needed. If only one of the people work outside the home, it doesn't matter to these couples, the partner left at home, doesn't just sit, they do a job too. Teamwork, communication, respect for each other. I am certain that just waking up next to someone you love starts the day on a good note and going to bed the same way is imperative.
I am not saying that if these things are not the way your relationship unfolds, to dump the person. But, I would consider stepping back to see if it can be fixed. These are just observations from these 7 couples that I see all the time. I admire and respect them. There are always kisses, consideration, and when they are together in front of me, they are almost one person. If a person needs a repair or something from the store, they never hesitate to call on the other and they don't ask why, they do it. Because they are a team, in every sense of the word. After watching them connect to each other they too enrich my life. I can draw from all this positive energy and I leave them with a smile on my face. Because these couples treat everybody with love and respect. Good luck to everyone, these are special relationships and I hope for everyone that their life can be filled with this special love.
Written by Captain Mary on Wednesday, February 23, 2011FAMILY SADDNESS INTERRUPTED
Written by Captain Mary on Tuesday, February 22, 2011THE LOSS OF THE FAMILY MONARCH
Written by Captain Mary on Friday, February 18, 2011UPDATE ON A STEP BACK IN TIME.
Written by Captain Mary on Wednesday, February 16, 2011DOES THE CRIME FIT THE PUNISHMENT?
Written by Captain Mary on Wednesday, February 16, 2011WASTE MANAGEMENT
Written by Captain Mary on Friday, February 11, 2011Doesn't really seem like a worthy topic, but it definitely got me rilled up. Let me tell you how much it angers me. It's back to what I say about this country, who slowly takes our rights away.
It was a regular day, sunny and I was working outdoors doing a little cleaning. Filled up the truck for a trip to the dump. I was just getting use to giving my identification so that I proved I indeed lived in the neighborhood and I was authorized to use the facility. I pay taxes so I understood that it was a paid service for me and the community taxpayers.
I approached the entrance where the attendant would check my identification and tell me what lane to go to. This time was different, I held out my id and the attendant took it from my hand, he began punching in my drivers license number into this machine. I literally yelled, "What are you doing?", he replied with telling me about the new procedures. He pointed at a new sign, which said in several languages that there is new procedures. I was very upset that Waste Management was now putting my information into a data base, not to mention how the costs of this new program is going to effect my taxes. Are you kidding, how many times am I going to be told that I can't be trusted. Now they are telling me that I should trust them with all my information. I sent this email:
Director of Waste Management
I can foresee the future of this country. I already pay for garbage, I went to the dump today to drop off some palm leaves as I frequently do. I didn't mind so much when I was asked for my identification. Today, my identification was taken out of my hand and my personal information was manually put into a scanner.
This indicates to me, first additional costs, such as the sign telling me, that more of my personal information will be collected and who knows where it goes. Now I find that this information is shredded afterward. After what, it is put into a data base, printed. Then does it record every time I am making a visit to the dump. Of course it does. I see that in the future I will be getting charged for individual dumping. Or will I be limited?.
It is just another chance for my information to be released into the public. If I can not be trusted, then why should I trust that my information is being handled properly?
I am sick and tired of this country tracking my every move. I pay my taxes, or should I say, my ever increasing taxes. By the way how many more people had to be hired to handle all this information. I demand to know how much this program is costing me and the tax payers of the county. Are you kidding, I have to tighten my belt, but my own community is making certain that I can never own my home or end my yearly struggle to pay taxes, which is more a month than my own mortgage. Does this seem right to you?
Tell me what will happen if I refuse to have my license scanned?
Thank you in advance for the answers to my questions.
Capt. Mary
Resident of Cutler Bay
Tell me what you think, do you think I will even get a reply?