Written by Captain Mary on Tuesday, May 03, 2011My dearest of friends has been incarcerated recently, in February that is. The crime I don't agree is one that deserves prison time, but who the hell am I! I have been looking high and low on the "Find an inmate" searches and couldn't find him anywhere. After many weeks I heard from his daughter, and he was requesting my address so that he could write and that I could write him back.
The letter was encouraging, that is, he is doing as well that can be expected, he claims the food is not bad and he is already beginning his new education. First he will start with his GED, then he is going to check in to some business courses. I guess if you have the right attitude anything is possible. I am still so sad that he is gone, because I have seen so many people with violent crimes still walking the streets.
How can we punish people for crimes that don't hurt anyone except for the governments ego, but look at Martha Stewart, who was incarcerated for what amounted to lying. Again, it must be an ego thing, that's my opinion anyway.
My Amore' is keeping really good spirits, he even mentioned that he is very careful not to pick up the soap, when he drops it. I guess time goes by when you keep yourself busy. I can't believe he has been gone since February, that is 3 months already.
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