Written by Captain Mary on Sunday, August 03, 2008This, post, is, designed, to, drive, my, son, insane. He, constantly, tells, me,"mom, you, don't, use, enough, commas, in, your, writing". So, I, thought, that, I, might, go, ahead, and, use, them, all, up, at, once. This, might, get, him, off, my, back! I, tried, to, explain, to, him, that, blogging, is, about, talking, the, way, you, talk. I, am, less, concerned, about, the, grammar, and, more, concerned, about, the, content. So, I, hope, I, have, satisfied, his, lust, for, commas, and, I, hope, that, he, will, read, the, content, and, stop, criticising, my, terrible, grammar. Until, they, invent, a, grammar, checker, I, am, stuck, with, horrible, punctuations. Love, you, son.
1 comments: Responses to “ MY SON THE GRAMMAR FREAK ”
By Anonymous on August 4, 2008 at 3:47 PM
you are too funny. I understand your point. I will never speak of your punctuation again.