Written by Captain Mary on Wednesday, April 07, 2010

...if only for a moment. I was lucky enough to be invited to an Antique Car Show, by my good friends, Ralph & Carolyn. They were showing 3 beautiful cars in the show. A Buick Skylark, a Cadillac, and what I see as the, "Untouchables," car, I could envision Elliot Ness in the front seat, pursuing Al Capone.
Due to the value of the vehicles, someone must literally stand by the cars at all times. The car that I was honored to stand by was the Buick Skylark, bright red, convertible.

The best part about standing by, has to be all the stories that I heard. People would come by and remember what they were doing in the 50's. Perhaps a story about their grandparents taking drives in that exact model.

Everyone was full of smiles, except for the owners of the cars. The frantic, last minute preparations, were full of stress.The judges would soon be on their way. I watched car owners come by and examine the Buick, then return to their car to polish something they missed.

Everyone was so respectful to the cars, as if they were made of all gold and precious. The cars were so perfect to my eyes, yet, I would hear people talking about things like the color or type of bolts and washers.

Time for judging was here. The judges were very thorough, they examined the car, inside, outside, and underneath. I was watching the expressions on their faces, at the same time wondering what they were thinking. After a little palaver, one of the judges came to me and said, "We all agree that this car is #1." Of course, I smiled from ear to ear.

The day continued, and what a perfect day it was. I would have to wait on the results, although, I knew that the Buick was getting a first place in its class.

Later in the week, I visited my friends,Ralph & Carolyn, only for them to tell me what I already knew. All the cars they entered in the Antique Car Show, got first place in their category.

As I remembered walking around these magnificent works of art, I thought about the time that things were simple. I imagined myself in the days gone past on a leisurely drive to no where. Driving was something people did for pleasure and a time for family fun. My step back in time was a memory that will always make me smile.

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  1. 2 comments: Responses to “ A STEP BACK IN TIME.... ”

  2. By Anonymous on April 8, 2010 at 5:21 AM

    I hear you sis. Car shows are the bomb Hugs to Ralph from us and congratulations!!

  3. By Mini on April 8, 2010 at 9:10 AM

    WOW, those cars are beautiful!!!