MY STORY 2010 TO 2011

Written by Captain Mary on Sunday, March 11, 2012

What happened this year? I lost a bunch of friends, getting older means you will meet your maker. Children have been born, the cycle continues. I had another damn birthday, they keep coming like it or not. Leaving the country doesn't seem to work anymore. I always thought if I left the country on my birthday that it didn't count, I left the country for years, I remained 29 for so long that if someone asked my real age, I had to figure it out on my fingers. I do know how old I am now, in years that is.

I got myself in a financial mess and finally disbursed my debt. The stress with lawyers and courts was almost too much to bear, but it is over, more or less. So, I guess that this year was my new start. Work was pretty steady, which is always good, considering the economic mess the country is in. I am still earning poverty level income, but it works for me. I have almost everything I could ever want. I don't know how much longer I can continue working though, I still have problems with my knees. Living a hard life on the body takes its toll in my now middle age. Stopped feeling sorry for myself and picked myself up. Finally got a doctor to look at my knees and he simply told me that people who compete just have a different brain and they wear out their bodies without thinking about what could happen in your golden years.

Four of my family members trained and worked together to achieve their Black Belt ranks in Taekwondo. My daughter, my son, and my two oldest grandsons, what a great achievement. I am so proud, I am glad to say that I was the one who started all this in 2006. This year I began training again, after more than 2 years away from my beloved school, but then I got so busy with work I couldn't make the classes, short lived exercise program.
I went on a fun family trip down the Peace River. Which is always fun, the kids are bigger now and they really enjoy the camping and playing on the water. I hope we continue making this trip. We have gone many times and the river always has something new to see, hear and explore.
I was able to take a trip to Europe, seven countries in seventeen days. Berlin-Germany, Copenhagen-Denmark, Dublin-Ireland, Paris-France, Milan & Venice-Italy, Athens-Greece, Prague-Czech Republic. So many stories to tell: Taking almost 900 pictures, really tell the story, only I can't remember what they were, that is probably another reason I saved all the maps. My mind isn't as sharp as it was, or maybe I just don't care as much to remember the things that don't really matter.

I find myself so in love with my family, maybe I just get to spend more time thinking about them. I have always made an effort to be part of their lives. I joined a Social Club to spend more time meeting people and spending more time with my sister. I wish still that the rest of my family was closer, so I could see them more often, but when we do see each other, it is joyous. I have found myself looking at everything in a positive note, even if it seems bleak. With each day I find another wonderful person and share a smile.

I tried dating and it ended disastrous, I don't know why they turn into stalkers in such a short time. One of my dates took me forever to tell that I don't want to see him anymore. I finally wrote a note and told him to read it over and over again until he got it! I don't know if I could really love someone as a partner again, how many chances does a person really get. I have loved so many times and as I look back, the best one was the last one, he was the one who really loved me for me. I don't understand why men want to control your every move, instead of moving along a path of enjoyment and understanding. They are attracted to the person they initially meet and move forward to change it, I just don't get it. I am unmovable! Maybe next year someone special will come into my life that can appreciate the person I am, or not. I am fine the way I am, I don't regret my life in anyway.

The holidays came and went, they were different last year, maybe I didn't celebrate them the usual way. Thanksgiving is always my favorite and last year was proof positive of why. The whole family together talking and laughing together as if we had never had miles between us. This year will be different and I can't wait, Monica has decided to host this year, we will have a grand time. Christmas was never a holiday that moved me. I did enjoy watching the grand kids open their gifts, but the message of Christmas is long been lost in my family. We don't gather together, we have no meal together, all I see is months of advertisements and commercials, the holiday has been tainted. The only way to enjoy it now is to see the faces of my grandchildren, which is always the highlight of my days.

I didn't make any resolutions, but I do plan on enjoying each day as if it is the most important day of my life. I am focused on finding out what makes life so special for me and how to enjoy the people that pass through my world. Looking forward to another year, which passes so quickly, perhaps getting a glimpse of more adventure and love.

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