Written by Captain Mary on Saturday, January 12, 2013

Ever since I can remember, music attached itself to my memories. When enjoying a song, I can recall the sights, sounds and even the smells when I hear certain songs. I have no car sound system and I don't know why, but I just haven't the urge to listen in quite some time. The right music helps the work hours fly and I always worked with my little IPod attached to my ear. Last week I came across my dusty IPod and charged it up. I have a collection of songs from the 60's to today. I selected them through my major CD collection and haven't changed them in years.

I put my ear buds in for my drive to Homestead to do a little work at Jason's. After awhile I remembered why I stopped using the IPod, because the ear buds and the wire and you know the story. Jason has this great speaker system, so I plugged in my IPod and started listening away. While working my mind can focus on a lot of things, because cleaning is very systematic and it doesn't take much thought. As each one of my selections began to play the memories began to pour out of the depths, deep freeze storage I imagine. Maybe I just didn't want to think about the past anymore.

An African song came on "Jambo", which gave me an enormous smile and I began singing along in Swahili, a memory of my amazing trip to East Africa. I remembered where I was sitting, who I was sitting with and the smell of the night air. How that night we stayed up and even got yelled at by the staff to keep it down!

Didgeridoo music came on, again I recalled being on top of a mountain at a quaint village in Queensland, Australia, sitting and listening to the actual musician play for me, accompanied by a flute.

Bob Seager and the Silver Bullet band, great memories of  living on my sailboat, meeting a past member of the group. Becoming friends and even going lobstering together on his Scarab. ZZ Top songs, a time when I was hired as a dive guide for members of the band, while they were in town for the "Recycler Tour". Took them diving and taught them how to drink beer underwater. I did such a good job, I got VIP tickets for the concert and T-shirts. So many places, people and pleasures to continue reminiscing.

I could go on and on, as I continued to listen some songs came on and the reminders made me miss being young, slim, or should I say rock hard body, and beautiful. I was popular, and never bought my own drinks anywhere I would dance the night away. I missed that and I couldn't help thinking that I am coming to a time in my life that doesn't allow that crazy lifestyle anymore. Honestly, I can't manage it and don't even know how I survived it. I started getting sad with this flood of memories from good times and bad. The music I selected has really painted a picture of my life and I didn't realize it until I started listening again.

Through my sadness I started thinking that I can't think of anything that I didn't do! Perhaps that is why we get older, so that we move on to different things and directions. I have traveled, loved, lusted (excessively), cried, lost and I honestly have "no regrets". It has always been my motto to do so, now looking back I really have done anything I wanted and more. While writing I have to stop myself, because this post would be hundreds of pages long. Oh, the stories I could tell. I have lived 10 lifetimes in one.

Each day gives me yet another fond memory, weather it is to music or simply stored in deep freeze in the back of my head. It is what a cherish and it is something that I can share to the next generations. Perhaps edited a bit for the younger ones. I will be listening to music again, it makes me happy and it picks up my spirits, not to mention it makes my body move. I don't even care how crazy I look!!! 

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