Written by Captain Mary on Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A few years ago, I decided to take a month off to go to Australia, it was a place I had always dreamed of going and now the dream was reality. I arrived after a very long plane ride, through time zones and the division of days, I was now living in the future. I arrived at the Sydney airport and noticed that quite a few of the Aboriginal people were employed there. I was waiting for a ride from the shuttle and noticed that these people were special, they possessed a sense that we don't use or have. I saw a lady who seemed to be stressed a bit, but I couldn't tell what she was trying to accomplish, an Aboriginal man came up to her somehow anticipating her need or maybe even reading her mind. The man helped her without even asking what she needed. It was a small simple thing, but it was something he did without thinking. This was my first experience with Aboriginal people and I was impressed.

I got my shuttle to the hostel and read the brochures of things to do. I found that I could take the train to the Blue Mountain for a few bucks, and then catch a bus that runs on a circuit, dropping you off and picking you up every few minutes or so. Sounded great and I was going to see as much as I could. The trip by rail was a couple of hours, I just sat back and took in the scenery, arriving at the Bus Depot just in time to catch the last circuit of the day. Armed with my camera and hiking boots I was off exploring. I was dropped off at a trail head and began to hike through the mountain passes, seeing water falls and parrots in the trees. The sounds and smells of nature, my cup of tea. Although I traveled entirely alone I never felt that way, this is a country that you can feel completely safe in. After a couple of trails I found myself alone waiting for the bus to show up so I could continue to the next location. I stood on the side of the road in a very large clearing, I began hearing a very loud sound, it sounded very strange and only now I know it was the Kookaburra bird. I was distracted by the sound looking for its origin, perhaps I could see what was making this sound. About that time I noticed a figure walking toward me, as he got closer I could see that it was an Aborigine, a large man, his face painted with white lines across his cheeks. We made eye contact and I smiled because this half naked man came out of nowhere, and he was what I had imagined an Aborigine to look like in their natural environment, not the guy at the airport dressed in his work clothes. He looked directly into my eyes and without really making a smile I could see it in his eyes.

The sound of the Kookaburra bird still in the background, the man passes by me and of course I swung around to look at him again, much to my surprise he had disappeared completely, the sound had also seized. I stood there in complete confusion, I couldn't believe what had happened and the fact is no one was going to believe me either. After that day I was a believer that the Aboriginal people do posses special powers. A living aberration.

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  1. 1 comments: Responses to “ ABORIGINAL ABERRATION ”

  2. By Anonymous on July 23, 2008 at 4:09 PM

    I felt the same way after I saw Crocodile Dundee, that is part 1 & part 2