Written by Captain Mary on Thursday, July 17, 2008

Summer time is the opportunity for most people to take their vacations, take some time off and relax. We clear our minds and souls, taking in the beauty and the breath of life itself. In Florida it is a vacation everyday, because the sun is always shinning, but in the Summer the days are longer, giving the working person even more time to enjoy the day. What do you do if you live in Alaska, where the days are the longest?

My friend Bruce lives in Alaska and for his Summer Solstice he took an 800 mile drive down the dirt road of the Dalton Highway, it leads to the Arctic Circle, and Gobblers Knob the top of the world, where he only had a 2 minute sunset, but 0 minutes of dark. Bruce told me he often takes impulsive drives of over 800 miles, because in the Summer Solstice it doesn't get dark for about a month and a half.

I always complain about not having enough day to complete my tasks, if I lived in Alaska I guess I wouldn't have an excuse. What would you do with that much time on your hands? I would be fishing, that's for certain. Bruce when do the fish sleep?

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  1. 3 comments: Responses to “ SOLSTICE ”

  2. By Anonymous on July 17, 2008 at 9:19 AM

    I would never sleep. Can you imagine all that time to play??? OMG. Heaven.

  3. By Anonymous on July 17, 2008 at 12:48 PM

    I often complain to myself that there is not enough hours in the day. Hell, if I had that much time it would probably be not far off from what Bruce does. I definitely agree with Cappy and would be fishing most of the time but all the other hours would probably be spent exploring new areas, thats if I lived in Alaska. As far as the summer goes, we are spoiled, summer 365 days a year in FL. I do like to take trips to the islands, not much different from where I live, but yet it is different, ok, ok, the people here suck, enough said. Love the summers.

  4. By Mini on July 18, 2008 at 11:04 AM

    i personally love living her in FL. I would not change a thing. As far as taking an 800 mile trip, well I never would have the time to do that. I can barely schedule everyday time, much less a trip for 800 miles.