Written by Captain Mary on Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Oh my God, the scale has to be my worst enemy. I never had a problem when I was younger keeping my weight down. I kept so active I just couldn't eat enough, I would eat pasta salads three times a day just to maintain my energy level. Now, I just have to be in the room with a carbohydrate and it puts pounds on me. I remember the days when I taught Scuba Diving and was swimming 8 hours a day or tossing tanks on the boat to take divers out. Fit as a Fiddle. It seemed like no effort, then everything in my metabolism fell apart. I started getting giant after my husband passed away, its true about stress and depression all effecting your body and metabolism. I finally put it in my mind it was time to get physical and loose the extra pounds.

I started with joining a TaeKwonDo class, right away I lost 20lbs. dropped a couple of sizes, I was all the way up to a size 14, it wasn't enough though. For a short person that is a big size, I have tiny feet they just couldn't carry that kind of weight. All I keep hearing is a healthy weight, well what is that, is that a weight that when you wake up in the morning you can get your fat #@%# out of the bed. All I know is that I felt better but no more weight was leaving this body.I carry all my weight below the belt and they don't make clothing to fit pears.

My daughter joined a weight loss center and her weight just melted off. She had the program and I saw it work, she wasn't starving so I thought I would try it. Sure enough in a mere 7 weeks I had got this body down to a size 1. I got to hear comments like "Hey you look too skinny", I loved it. Months have gone by and for some reason, which are many I put on 9 pounds in just two weeks. I have been eating like crap and feeling the same. Today I got on the scale (the enemy) and lost a couple of pounds, simply by eating a balanced diet and including those fruits and veggies that are essential for maintaining a balance. I wish for one moment that eating good and healthy was less of an effort. Today I feel good about me and I am back on track.

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