Written by Captain Mary on Friday, February 13, 2009I was watching the news and today is the vote to see if the city of Miami, will donate over three million dollars for a baseball stadium. Is this a no brainier or what? Yes there will be jobs generated and get some people to work, but since when is it the responsibility of the taxpayer to do this? Let me get this right, we are struggling to pay our mortgages and make ends meet, but for no profit at all, we are going to give 300 million dollars to a baseball stadium. The sports industry makes plenty of money as we pay for tickets and buy souvenirs and buy overpriced beer. If they want a place to play baseball, then they should pay for it. Seems to me that a state in such a crisis should not throw away money that belongs to the state, not even making an investment, because there is no return for the states donation. Correct me if I am wrong but does this sound like a good business decision?
There is plenty of money in this state, and something with a price tag this high should not be funded on the backs of the taxpayer. It should be funded in the private sector or by the team who is going to be profiting and playing at this site. We can't afford to give this kind of money away, the federal government has taken more money from the schools, now we want to give money to something that can sustain itself. This sounds like another corporate bail out to me.